International Business Assembly

      • Helping humanity will be the motive and not profit
      • Work with existing corporations or liquidate if detrimental to We The People
      • Organic Farms, no more banned products such as Cannabis and other forbidden herbs
      • Trade between other nation states, including the Federation states and other countries globally
      • American State National Businesses funded by our Global Family Bank of Commerce
      • South Carolina businesses created from suppressed truth and patents being released, e.g. free energy, med-beds, anti-gravity aircraft/personal “Jetsons” aircraft
      • Parallel businesses for all the corrupt corporations we deal with today, e.g. Google, Microsoft
      • Artificial Intelligence businesses to provide abundance to people while not making them slaves to their job. People will work maybe 20 hours per week doing what they love to help humanity. The remaining week will be spent with friends/family/community relationships.
      • ASN newspapers
      • Radio
      • Television
      • Music
      • Art
      • Software/Blogs/Apps
      • Merchandise
      • Secure/private communication, no subliminal programming